Monday, February 25, 2013

Learned Something New

Came to the realization today that if you can't laugh at yourself you shouldn't be allowed to laugh at all. I recently started taking Zumba and my instructor recorded us doing the Wobble (and now for a dirty secret....I LOVE doing the Wobble...even on my saddest days I can turn it on and laugh at the ridiculousness). So today I discovered our Wobble on Facebook...Parts 1 and 2. And even with my bruised foot bone I was able to shake my way through the entire dance. So for those of you who can't laugh at yourself, or those who would never step outside their comfort zone to do this, please feel free to laugh at me and my gals.

Part One:
Part Two:

(that's me on the far left with the dark green shirt)
All my life I've tried to come across and put together and normal. But in reality I'm goofy as hell and I am just starting to tackle all the things I was so afraid to try for so long. I do have someone to thank for this, someone who accepted me nerdiness and goofiness and all. Thank You. And I miss you.