Thursday, April 11, 2013


My arms are getting stiffer and stiffer as I type this, so I'm going to try and keep it brief. Got a chance to volunteer out in Balch Springs today. ESPN, Disney, and a ton of volunteers gathered at Woodlands Park, which this morning was nothing more than this:

A muddy vacant lot. We definitely had our work cut out for us. And looking around I had my doubts about it being a one day project.We signed up and got our nametags with different stickers on them that later would divide us in our seperate groups. Luckily I had the smarts to match up with Annette's orange sticker. We got into a group together, with our manly team captain Clay...who was OVERLY joyed to have the loudest in the bunch paired with him. We very quickly changed his mind about us (I think) when we jumped right in!

We were in charge of "The Shader"...which we found out translated into "The Hardest Project Onsite That is Missing Pieces and Got Incorrectly Cut Making Any Idea of Flushing the Wood Perfectly Go Out The Window"...but I can see why "The Shader" would role of the tongue a little easier. But at the end of the day it was going to be a horseshoe shaped bench seating area, shaded and surrounded with different wooden planters. Now I'm no sissy girl...but swinging the mallet and nailing in wood for 7 hours wears a girl out. Luckily I had Annette and Erica to make the day fun...and they had a DJ playing everything from Toby Keith to Michael Jackson.

Josh was the guy in charge of the whole shebang, he was with Ka-Boom who made this whole playground happen. We all did an amazing job and the transformation from muddy vacant lot to stellar playground was amazing.

With my sorer by the second arms and the nagging voice in my head reminding me of my homework due in a few short hours, we dragged our dirty butts out. I can't imagine what it will look like once all the last minute things are finished and kids christen it! I'll update y'all on the ending product when I get a chance to go back. I need to volunteer more! With how busy we were today I didn't have a chance to think about anything else! Which was a great change of pace:)

Oh yeah...I have a sunburn that will turn into a very awful tan line from the work gloves...and I thought my high school band-tanned feet were bad! Blah!

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